3 Golf Lessons from a PGA Pro.
3 Pack - US $67.99

1.9 Handicap
Eric B
Well just like that and I’m hooked. Great feedback across the board. I’ll get working on those two things this week. Have a feeling I’ll be sending over progress once a week to see if we’re getting better. if yes, we’ll get going on the next thing. Thanks!!!

15 Handicap
Will W
Way more in-depth than I expected! I’ve watched so many technique videos (probably too many) on grip, plane, release, etc. that it just becomes overload. I think someone seeing my actual swing and give custom feedback will be huge!

32 Handicap
Alexander F
Wow!!! Thank you! This was my first time and I didn’t know what to expect. This was a great review and blew away my expectations. I really appreciate it. I will work on these items over the next couple weeks and will send you another video to review! (unless my swing is perfect by then😎🤣).

18.5 Handicap
Brian K
The feedback made perfect sense to me and I felt it was a very thorough analysis.
The issue that were identified are things I know I feel in my swing but did not understand why I was doing them or realize the negative consequences. I plan on immediately working on the swing changes. Thank You !!!

36 Handicap
Steven C
Incredible reaction. Every “I bet you do x …” was dead on accurate to my game currently. Thorough explanation and goals to move forward with. Looking forward to working on this.